How Do Thyroid Issues Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

 How Do Thyroid Issues Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
Hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) may each cause erectile dysfunction because they cause symptoms including fatigue, low mood, and low sex drive. These symptoms of both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism may make it difficult to feel aroused and/or achieve and maintain an erection.

Hyperthyroidism in men is also often paired with premature ejaculation, and hypothyroidism with delayed ejaculation.

Other processes involved in getting and maintaining an erection have been linked to thyroid hormone problems, including interference with the hormones that regulate production of testosterone (the main male sex hormone) and weakened production of molecules that regulate blood vessel function in the penis.

Thyroid hormones certainly aren’t the only cause of erectile dysfunction, low sex drive and ejaculation issues, so if you’re having issues in the bedroom, it doesn’t mean that you definitely have a thyroid problem.

To get to the root of what may be causing sexual dysfunction, it’s important to have an awareness around some of the associated conditions.

Signs and symptoms of thyroid issues?

Symptoms of hypothyroidism
Feeling tired all the time
Feeling cold a lot of the time
Low mood or depression
Thinning hair
Muscle aches, pain or weakness
Weight gain
Brain fog or impaired memory
Dry skin.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism
Feeling tired all of the time
Feeling too warm a lot of the time
More frequent bowel movements
feeling nervous, anxious, or depressed
Thinning hair
Weight loss, even though how much you are eating has not changed
Difficulty sleeping
Skin thinning.


Fortunately, most sexual problems go away when is treated. For many thyroid problems, you can take medication. Meeting with a specialist and discussing your symptoms can help find the treatment that is right for you.
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