Can Telehealth Be Useful In Addressing Sexual Health Issues?

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 Can Telehealth Be Useful In Addressing Sexual Health Issues?
Yes. Telehealth can be an effective way to discuss sex health issues with your healthcare provider.

During a telehealth appointment, you and your provider see and talk to each other virtually over the internet, using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. The interaction occurs over a secure platform.

You don’t necessarily have to use video – you can interact with your provider over the phone, e-mail, or text as well, depending on your preferences and the platform used.

Patients use telehealth for a wide variety of sex health concerns. You can discuss:
Follow up with your provider after surgery,
Have sex therapy sessions,
and more.

Telehealth appointments are convenient. You don’t need to travel to your provider’s practice, which is especially helpful if you live far from their Clinic. You can also have your appointment wherever you have an internet connection, such as your home or workplace.

Some Steps You Can Take Telehealth Appointment

Ask for specific instructions. Your provider will tell you how to access the telehealth platform, but don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re unsure about something. Also, ask your provider what you should do if your visit gets disconnected.

Use a reliable internet connection. If you have spotty internet access at home, consider having your appointment in another location. Don’t forget to charge (or plug in) your device, too!

Sit in a quiet area with adequate lighting. It’s a good idea to test your device’s audio and video settings before your appointment begins. Try to minimize background noise, like the TV or people’s conversations.

Consider privacy. Remember that other people might be able to overhear your conversation, depending on where you are. If this is a concern for you, try to find a private location. Using headphones or earbuds might help.

Have everything you need nearby. If your provider needs specific information, like your weight or your blood glucose levels, take these readings ahead of time and jot them down. You might also write down any questions you have beforehand, and keep plenty of paper on hand to take notes.

Asgar Healthcare Group Online Consultation Procedure

We have started a simple method for online consultation for sex problems

* No need for laptop/desktop. Only a smart mobile phone is needed.
* Medical care through ASGAR Healthcare Group is on demand in that you don’t need to schedule an appointment.
* Simply send your first message(whatsapp @ +919645601111) about your health issue to our team of doctors, and you will get a reply as soon as possible.
* You can use English, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Malayalam as per your convenience.
* Asgar Healthcare Group provides clear pricing information for patients. The consultation Fee is ₹500/- for Indian Nationals and $10 for Foreign Nationals.
* You need to pay the fee first by one of the modes – PAY NOW After payment of fee, You will fill a Consultation form asking you detailed description of your problem If any thing is missing, you can add extra information.
* Any previous report can be sent.
* You will be contacted as soon as our doctors evaluate your case sheet.
* Unlike other online doctor services, doctor-patient communication isn’t limited to brief 30 to 45 minute virtual appointments. Once your Episode of Care begins, your doctors will follow up with you through whatsapp, email and phone calls.
* You can chat with the doctor on – +91-9645601111 or Call us on +91-9645601111.
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