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We call nut grass rhizomes Korai Kizhangu | Muthakasu in Tamil and Nagarmotha in Hindi. Nut grass is considered a weed but the rhizomes of the grass are regarded very highly in ayurvedic medicine and has been used for thousands of years. The grass is used to make mats and you will never find a single home in our village without the mat, we call it korai pai. Though you get plastic mats, I would suggest trying mats made out of nagarmotha, I am sure you will love it as much as I do. The botanical name of nagarmotha is Cyperus Rotundus and it is said to have been originated in India.

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Each Container 125grams – For any clarification contact our support team +91-9645601111 or write to

Plant name Korai kizhangu
“Enhances milk secretion in lactating woman and is an excellent immune modulator”
Botanical name Cyperus rotundus
Family Cyperaceae
Sanskrit Mustaka, Varida
Assamese Mutha, Somad Koophee, Keyabon
Bengali Mutha, Musta
English Nut Grass
Gujarati Moth, Nagarmoth
Hindi Motha, Nagarmotha, Bara-nagar-motha,


Kannada Konnari Gadde
Malayalam Muthanga, Kari Mustan
Manipuri Shembang kouthum
Marati Moth, Nagarmoth, Motha, Bimbal, Barik motha
Oriya mutha
Punjabi Mutha, Motha
Tamil Korai, Korai-Kizhangu
Telugu Tunga mustalu
Urdu Sad Kufi, habu-ul-zillam, nagarmotha
Actions Lactogogue, Tonic, Diaphoretic, Astringent, Carminative, Hypocholesterolaemic, Anti-inflammatory

Medicinal Uses

The tuber is ground and applied over breast in lactating women to increase the milk secretion.

For pus discharge from breast or any swellings in breast, decoction of this tuber is prepared and given in dose of 30-40ml twice daily for 15 days.

The tuber can be ground and consumed with breastmilk for bloody diarrhoea.

For diarrhoea, indigestion, etc the dried powder of this tuber can be administred in dose of 1 to 3 gms thrice daily with honey.

The tuber is washed properly, crushed, boiled with milk and given daily to both children and adults. This is a very good immune modulator and proved well in conditions like asthma, common cold, chest congestion etc.

The decoction of the tuber is very effective for all intestinal problems including peptic ulcer and inflammatory conditions.

If this tuber is applied externally as a paste over the body daily before bath then the problem of bad odour due to sweat can overcome.

The decoction prepared with the tuber along with dried ginger, piper longum and the root of Adatoda is very effective for curing fever especially in children.

Regular intake of this drug is effective in controlling cholestrol.


Ayurveda/siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a  physician before any sort of self medication.


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