Raise your hand if you’ve ever wondered after a hot and sweaty session between the sheets how many calories you burned. Same. Well, it turns out, not only is this intimate time with your partner fun and pleasurable, but it’s also good for your psychological, emotional and physical wellbeing, according to Health line.
In total, the number of calories burned during sex was far less than the number of calories men burned during exercise, which was about 276 calories. But while hitting the gym might provide a more intense workout, the researchers concluded that, “sexual activity may potentially be considered, at times, as a significant exercise.”
In total, the number of calories burned during sex was far less than the number of calories men burned during exercise, which was about 276 calories. But while hitting the gym might provide a more intense workout, the researchers concluded that, “sexual activity may potentially be considered, at times, as a significant exercise.”
How to burn calories during sex
Average sexual activity won’t make much of a dent in your caloric expenditure. If you want to increase the benefit of your next round of sex, how can you up the amount burned?
Go longer – Rationale follows that if you want to burn more calories, participate in sexual activity for a longer amount of time.
Make it steamy – The warmer it is, the more you’ll sweat, and the more calories you will burn.
Try different positions – For a woman who weighs 140 pounds and her male partner who weighs 190 pounds, the missionary position with her on the bottom for 10 minutes will burn 14 calories for her. It will burn 47 calories for him.
If they were standing during sex with her in front, she would burn 30 calories and he would burn 51 in 10 minutes. Lastly, if he was holding her up for 10 minutes during sex, he would burn 65 calories and she would burn 40.
Go longer – Rationale follows that if you want to burn more calories, participate in sexual activity for a longer amount of time.
Make it steamy – The warmer it is, the more you’ll sweat, and the more calories you will burn.
Try different positions – For a woman who weighs 140 pounds and her male partner who weighs 190 pounds, the missionary position with her on the bottom for 10 minutes will burn 14 calories for her. It will burn 47 calories for him.
If they were standing during sex with her in front, she would burn 30 calories and he would burn 51 in 10 minutes. Lastly, if he was holding her up for 10 minutes during sex, he would burn 65 calories and she would burn 40.
Why was sex a better workout for the guys?
Men weigh more than women, and because of this, the energy expenditure will be higher in men for the same exercise performed, Men may also be more physically active during sex. Even though sex is not the world’s best workout, it would still be nice if you could count on scorching 70 to 100 calories whenever you and your partner hopped in the sack. But you can’t always depend on it.
Benefits of Sex
Besides caloric expenditure, sex has plenty of other benefits that improve your health.
Healthy heart – men who had sex at least twice a week were less likely to develop heart disease, as compared to men who only had sex once per month.
Stress relief and better sleep – After orgasm, hormones called oxytocin and prolactin are released. Both oxytocin and prolactin have strong links to satiety, relaxation, and sleepiness.
Stronger pelvic floor muscles – Pelvic floor muscles support the bladder, bowel, and uterus. When they contract, these organs are lifted and the openings to the vagina, anus, and urethra are tightened. Strengthening these muscles supports control over bodily functions such as urination. It can also increase the ability to achieve pleasurable sensations during sex.
Healthy heart – men who had sex at least twice a week were less likely to develop heart disease, as compared to men who only had sex once per month.
Stress relief and better sleep – After orgasm, hormones called oxytocin and prolactin are released. Both oxytocin and prolactin have strong links to satiety, relaxation, and sleepiness.
Stronger pelvic floor muscles – Pelvic floor muscles support the bladder, bowel, and uterus. When they contract, these organs are lifted and the openings to the vagina, anus, and urethra are tightened. Strengthening these muscles supports control over bodily functions such as urination. It can also increase the ability to achieve pleasurable sensations during sex.
Evidence varies on the number of calories burned during sex, but a safe estimate is 3 to 4 calories per minute. Sex has many other health benefits beyond burning calories, but don’t count on it for your quota of physical activity.