A UTI is a bacterial infection. They happen when bacteria often from the anus, dirty hands, or skin get into the urethra and travel to the bladder or other parts of the urinary tract.
In general, your penis may continue to grow for one or two years after you stop growing in height or four to six years after your testicles enlarge. You will reach your fully developed penis size between the ages of…
Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism have been linked to erectile dysfunction (ED) for men, painful intercourse for women, and low libido for both genders, among other problems. Both types of thyroid disease have been associated with sexual dysfunction.
Spade Flower cure for sexual weakness, seminal weakness, premature ejaculation, night fall etc. Improving the quality of semen; its potency and sperm motility, it’s also an overall rejuvenator, imparting strength & stamina to the body.
One of the most crucial elements found in aloe vera gel is a complex carbohydrate known as acemannan. It allows nutrients to reach the cells, nourish them and at the same time relieve them of toxins.
Testosterone is a sex hormone often associated with males, though females have small amounts. If a male has a low level of testosterone, the symptoms can include erectile dysfunction, and reduced bone mass and sex drive.
Depression affects every part of daily life, including sex. It curbs sex drive, yet sex can boost your mood and is important for relationships. And some depression medicines can limit your libido.
Female masturbation has scientifically proven benefits, like encouraging more fulfilling sleep, higher levels of happiness, lower amounts of stress, fewer menstrual pains, and a deeper level of comfort with your body.
Childbirth involves considerable hormone changes – as well as emotional stresses. And as a consequence, very, very few women feel rampagingly sexy until a long time after they have given birth.
Morning sex boosts your immune system by increasing an antibody that helps fight off infections. And early-morning orgasms release chemicals that raise the levels of estrogen, which makes your skin look healthier and your hair look shinier.