The definition of Azoospermia is the absence of sperm in the ejaculate, meaning no sperm are found in the fluid on a routine semen analysis. At Asgar Group of Clinics, we are leaders in azoospemria treatment.
Brahmi also known as Bacopa is a plant that is extensively used in Ayurveda for its numerous medicinal properties. A creeper and a perennial herb, Brahmi has been in usage for generations and is widely beneficial in treating various health…
Semen consists of sperm and fluids released by the prostate and other glands. The fluids, also called ejaculate, join the sperm as they pass through a series of tubes to the urethra for ejaculation.
Painful ejaculation is something which can ruin a very happy relationship and the perfect sex life between couples. Painful ejaculation is when painful, burning sensations are felt during or following ejaculation.
Peyronie's disease is penis problem caused by scar tissue, called plaque, that forms inside the penis. It can result in a bent, rather than straight, erect penis.
Vajikarana is one of the branch of Ashtanga ayurveda. Vajikarana is made up with two words, vaji and karan. Vaji mean horse and karan mean power, together its meaning is drug which on consumption give power of sex and work…
Ayurveda is basically divided into Eight Sections called ASHTANGA AYURVEDA. Ashtanga Ayurveda means eight limbs or eight branches of Ayurveda. Each branch is speciaized in its own way.
Healthy, satisfying sex is very important for relationships. And the fear of having sex because of back pain can be a big problem. If your sex life has suffered because of back pain...
A sperm analysis involves checking a sample of semen for overall sperm health.The process can help doctors to determine the underlying cause of a person's inability to conceive, or it may confirm the outcome of a vasectomy.
The testicles produce the primary male sex hormone testosterone, as well as sperm. Testicle is an oval shaped, sperm producing organ within your scrotum. Testicle size varies from person to person, often with little or no effect on health.